Tuesday, 3 November 2009

pheasant plucking

Today in the world of film I plucked some pheasants. It was a funny shot of me sitting on a chair in the kitchen, straddling a bucket pulling feathers out, which were flying all over the place, mostly in my face which lead me to cough and splutter and get the giggles. On Saturday we did a scene of the local gamekeeper visiting the house to drop off the birds. I had to interview him ( as if I was on the one show)! I had no idea what technical questions to ask him. Not a big fan of game, you see.  The director said 'just ask him anything'.....  basically all I could come up with was 'so which one is the male and the female?' Disaster.

Getting the giggles is becoming more and more of a problem. It is probably something to do with being marooned on an island 1 mile long for a month. I feel like I am losing my marbles. Luckily, we all are, even the director! The weather is getting more dramatic, which is great for the film but not so great for us actors, who have to stand around freezing our butts off in between takes.  Oh the glamour. 

I can't actually imagine what it will be like to arrive on the mainland in 2 weeks time, and see lots of people rushing around. A strange thought. This place is ridiculously safe and easy-just pottering around on bikes and not having to worry about safety. Everything you need is within 500 yards! Pub, gym, shop. That's basically it.

It has been a real adventure, and it is an amazing place, just maybe not for 6 weeks....

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